AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, Meta-ethics
AOC: Philosophy of AI, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Language, Value Theory, Epistemology, Logic
Professeur Adjoint (Assistant Professor), Département de Philosophie, Université de Montréal, August 2019 – Present.
Post-Doctoral Associate, Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness, and Global Institute for Advanced Study Project on Space, Time and Consciousness, NYU Department of Philosophy, July 2015 – August 2019
Mellon Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Philosophy, Tulane University, August 2013 – July 2015
PH.D, New York University, May 2012 B.A., Columbia University, May 2002
The Sharp Contour of Consciousness, NYU, May 2012Publications:
Philosophy of Mind / Metaphysics:
- Simon, J. (forthcoming). “Experiencing Left and Right in a Non-Orientable World.” Analytic Philosophy. [Winner of the 2018 Marc Sanders Prize in Mind.]
- Simon, J. (2019). “Transparency About Painkillers: A Remedy for the Evaluativist’s Headache.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1111/papq.12278
- Simon, J. (2019). “Fragmenting the Wave Function.” Oxford Studies in Metaphysics. Vol. 11. Oxford University Press. pp. 123-148 [First Runner up for the 2017 Marc Sanders Prize in Metaphysics.]
- Simon, J. (2017). “The Hard Problem of the Many.” Philosophical Perspectives. Vol. 31, Issue 1. pp. 449-468.
- Simon, J. and Marshall, C. (2017). “Mendelssohn, Kant, and the Mereotopology of Immortality.” Ergo. Vol. 4, No. 29. . DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/ergo.12405314.0004.029
- Simon, J. (2017). “Vagueness and Zombies: Why `Phenomenally Conscious’ Has no Borderline Cases’, Philosophical Studies, Vol. 174 (8), 2105–2123.
- Simon, J. (2015). Review of “Sensorama: A Phenomenalist Analysis of Spacetime and its Contents” by Michael Pelczar. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. Oct. 15, 2015.
- Simon, J. (2014). “Indeterminate Comprehension”,Thought, Vol. 3, No.1.
- Simon, J. (2014).”What is Acquaintance with Consciousness” in Consciousness Inside and Out: Phenomenology, Neuroscience and the Nature of Experience, ed. Gualtieri Piccinini, Springer.
- Simon, J. (2013). “The Protestant Theory of Determinable Universals”, in Johanssonian Investigations: A Festschrift for Ingvar Johansson, Eds. Svennerlind, Almang and Ingthorsson, Ontos.
- Smith, B and Simon, J. (2007). “Truthmaker Explanations”, in Truthmakers and Metaphysics, ed. Jean-Maurice Monnoyer, Frankfurt a.M.: Ontos, pp. 105–156. Reprinted in translation as Smith, B. and Simon, J. (2011) “Explications Verifactionnistes” (trans. Anne-Marie Boisvert), Philosophiques, Vol. 38, No. 1.
- Simon, J. (2005). “Is Time-Travel a Problem for the Three-Dimensionalist?” The Monist, Vol. 88, pp. 353 – 361.
- Alexander, H. and Simon, J. (2017). “No Port, No Passport: Why States Without Territory Can Not Have Citizens”. Washington International Law Journal.
- Alexander, H. and Simon, J. (2014). ” ‘Unable to Return’ in the 1951 Refugee Convention: Stateless Refugees and Climate Change”, Florida Journal of International Law, Vol. 27, No. 3.
- Alexander, H. and Simon, J. (2014). ”Sinking into Statelessness”, Tilburg Law Review: Special Issue on Statelessness, Vol. 19, No. 1.
- Barry, C. and Simon, J. (2012) “Boat Migrants to Australia Deserve their Refugee Rights”, www.policyinnovations.org, October 1, 2012
- Simon, J.; Fielding, M.; Dos Santos, M.; and Smith, B. (2005). ”Formal Ontology for Natural Language Processing and the Integration of Biomedical Databases”, International Journal of Medical Informatics, Vol. 75 (3-4): 224-231.
- Simon, J. (2004). ”How to be a Bicategorialist about Persistents”, Proceedings of FOIS (Formal Ontology in Information Systems) 2004. IOS Press: 60-69.
Law / Political Philosophy:
Formal Ontology / Knowledge Representation:
Recent Presentations:
1) “Moral Perception High and Low”, Pacific APA, April 14, 2017. Comment by David Faraci.
2) “Time’s Arrow, Temporal Coding and the Geography of Experience”, Rutgers-Barnard-Columbia Workshop in the Philosophy of Mind, July 23, 2016
3) “Pain and Transparency”, CUNY Cognitive Science Speakers Series, New York, NY, March 2016, and University of Washington Workshop on Moral Perception, Seattle, May 4, 2016
4) “‘Consciousness’ is not Vague”, LSU, Baton Rouge, April 2015
5) “Aristotelean Quantum Metaphysics” with John Bigelow, Australian Metaphysics Conference, Kioloa, November 2014
6) “‘Unable to Return’ in the 1951 Refugee Convention” with Heather Alexander, First Global Forum on Statelessness, The Hague, September 2014
7) “Killer Beliefs and Access Internalism” with Ole Koksvik, Workshop on First-Personal Data, University of Bergen, Norway, August 2014
8) “The Disclosure of Similarities Argument for Property Dualism”, UFRJ Philosophy Seminar, Rio de Janeiro, April 2014
9) “The Phenomenology of Harmonic Experience”, ANU Intentionality at the Beach Workshop, Kioloa, July 2013
10) “The Disclosure of Similarities Argument for Property Dualism”, Australian Association of Philosophy Annual Meeting, University of Queensland, Brisbane, July 2013
11) “Deflationism about Mereology”, Australian Metaphysics Conference, Kioloa, April 2013
12) “The Puzzle of Permuted Pain”, Hebrew University, Jerusalem; Rutgers University, Camden; and Union College, New York, January 2013Comments and Public Debates:
1) Comment on Stephan Leuenberger, “Inscrutable Cross-Family Sentences”, Grounding and Consciousness, La Pietra, Aug 20172) Comment for Ergo Symposium on Bernard Molyneux, “The Logic of Mind-Body Identification”, Brains Blog, April 2015
3) Comments on Bernard Molyneux, “The Logic of Mind-Body Identification”, Pacific APA, San Diego, April 2014
4) Comments on Nathaniel Bulthuis, “Rescuing Rule Following: How Dispositionalism Can Help with Rule Following Primitivism”, Pacific APA, San Francisco, March 2013
4) Comments on Nathaniel Bulthuis, “Rescuing Rule Following: How Dispositionalism Can Help with Rule Following Primitivism”, Pacific APA, San Francisco, March 2013
5) Comments on Phillip Goff (Hertfordshire), “Property Dualists Should be Panpsychists”, Third Annual Online Consciousness Conference, Feb. – Mar. 2011
6) Comments on Tony Ro (CUNY City College), “Auditory Influences on Touch Perception and Visual Awareness”, CNRS-NYU Workshop, Perception and Multimodality, Nov. 18, 2010
7) Advocatus Diaboli, Debate with Peter Kreeft (Boston College), “Pascal’s Wager”, Church of St Joseph’s, New York, April 7, 2010
8) Comments on Sam Baker (Princeton), “Aristotle’s Identity Theory of Truth”, Columbia/NYU Grad Conference April 10, 2010;
Research Fellowship, Wolfgang Paul Program of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Institute for Formal Ontology and Medical Information Science (IFOMIS), Universitaet Leipzig, June 2002 – August 2004
Graduation Magna Cum Laude with Departmental Honors, Columbia University 2002
Adam Leroy Jones Prize in Logic, Columbia University 2002
(for Senior Honors thesis, entitled: “A Completeness Theorem For Paraphrase Logic”)
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Blackwell-Wiley, Dialectica, Ergo, Erkenntnis, Mind, Philosophical Psychology,
Philosophical Studies, Synthese, Topoi,
Workshop and Event Organization:
NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness Debate, “Does AI Need More Innate Machinery?” (Gary Marcus and Yann LeCun), October 5, 2017, NYU
NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness and NYU Abu Dhabi Workshop, “CaSE: Consciousness and Semantic Externalism”. May 12-13, 2017, NYU
6) Comments on Tony Ro (CUNY City College), “Auditory Influences on Touch Perception and Visual Awareness”, CNRS-NYU Workshop, Perception and Multimodality, Nov. 18, 2010
7) Advocatus Diaboli, Debate with Peter Kreeft (Boston College), “Pascal’s Wager”, Church of St Joseph’s, New York, April 7, 2010
8) Comments on Sam Baker (Princeton), “Aristotle’s Identity Theory of Truth”, Columbia/NYU Grad Conference April 10, 2010;
Academic Awards:
MacCracken Fellowship Grant, NYU, 2004-2009Research Fellowship, Wolfgang Paul Program of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Institute for Formal Ontology and Medical Information Science (IFOMIS), Universitaet Leipzig, June 2002 – August 2004
Graduation Magna Cum Laude with Departmental Honors, Columbia University 2002
Adam Leroy Jones Prize in Logic, Columbia University 2002
(for Senior Honors thesis, entitled: “A Completeness Theorem For Paraphrase Logic”)
Services to the Profession:
Referee For:Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Blackwell-Wiley, Dialectica, Ergo, Erkenntnis, Mind, Philosophical Psychology,
Philosophical Studies, Synthese, Topoi,
Workshop and Event Organization:
NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness Debate, “Does AI Need More Innate Machinery?” (Gary Marcus and Yann LeCun), October 5, 2017, NYU
NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness and NYU Abu Dhabi Workshop, “CaSE: Consciousness and Semantic Externalism”. May 12-13, 2017, NYU
NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness Debate, “Is There Unconscious Perception?” (Ned Block, Marisa Carrasco, Hakwan Lau, Megan Peters, and Ian Phillips), April 17, 2017, NYU
NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness and NYU Center for Bioethics Conference, “The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence”, October 14-15, 2016, NYU
NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness Debate, “Do Replication Projects Cast Doubt on Many Published Studies in Psychology?” (Brian Nosek and Jason Mitchell), September 29, 2016, NYU
NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness Debate, “Are There Innate Concepts?” (Susan Carey and Jesse Prinz), February 4, 2016, NYU
NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness Debate, “Can Neuroscience Help Us Understand Art?” (Gabrielle Starr and Alva Noë), December 10, 2015, NYU
NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness Conference, “Is The Brain Bayesian?”, December 4-5, 2015, NYU
NYU Center for Mind Brain and Consciousness Debate, “Do Mirror Neurons Explain Anything?”, (Vittorio Gallese and Gregory Hickok), September 24, 2015, NYU
Organizer, Mardi Gras in Mind 2014: A Workshop in the Philosophy of Mind, Tulane University, February 21-22, 2014.
Convenor of ANU Thursday Seminar Series, Aug. 2012 – July 2013
Co-organizer with David Chalmers, NY Consciousness Project Workshop: “The Phenomenology of Synaesthesia”, NYU, Nov. 20 2010
NYU Mind and Language Seminar Fellow, Spring 2010
NYU Departmental Colloquium Committee, 2009 – 2010
Co-organizer, Columbia/NYU Grad Student Conference, 2006
Co-organizer, Columbia/NYU Grad Student Conference, 2005
NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness Debate, “Do Replication Projects Cast Doubt on Many Published Studies in Psychology?” (Brian Nosek and Jason Mitchell), September 29, 2016, NYU
NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness Debate, “Are There Innate Concepts?” (Susan Carey and Jesse Prinz), February 4, 2016, NYU
NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness Debate, “Can Neuroscience Help Us Understand Art?” (Gabrielle Starr and Alva Noë), December 10, 2015, NYU
NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness Conference, “Is The Brain Bayesian?”, December 4-5, 2015, NYU
NYU Center for Mind Brain and Consciousness Debate, “Do Mirror Neurons Explain Anything?”, (Vittorio Gallese and Gregory Hickok), September 24, 2015, NYU
Organizer, Mardi Gras in Mind 2014: A Workshop in the Philosophy of Mind, Tulane University, February 21-22, 2014.
Convenor of ANU Thursday Seminar Series, Aug. 2012 – July 2013
Co-organizer with David Chalmers, NY Consciousness Project Workshop: “The Phenomenology of Synaesthesia”, NYU, Nov. 20 2010
NYU Mind and Language Seminar Fellow, Spring 2010
NYU Departmental Colloquium Committee, 2009 – 2010
Co-organizer, Columbia/NYU Grad Student Conference, 2006
Co-organizer, Columbia/NYU Grad Student Conference, 2005
Research Assistant, Ronald Dworkin, Justice For Hedgehogs, Spring 2010
NYU Graduate Representative (Faculty Liaison), 2009 – 2010
Classes Taught at Tulane:
The Philosophy of Language, Spring 2015
The Limits of Introspection: Empirical Issues, Fall 2014
The Limits of Introspection: Empirical Issues, Fall 2014
Desire, Motivation and Value, Spring 2014
Philosophy of Mind, Fall 2013
Classes Taught at ANU:
Graduate Foundations Seminar in Philosophy of Mind, (Antipodean) Fall 2013
Classes Taught at NYU:
Logic, Spring 2011
Logic, Fall 2010
Intro to Philosophy, Summer 2010
Metaphysics, Spring 2010
Central Problems in Philosophy, Fall 2009
Minds and Machines, Summer 2009
Philosophy of Mind, Summer 2008
Philosophy of Mind, Summer 2007
Teaching Assistant at NYU for:
History of Modern Philosophy, Don Garrett, Spring 2009
Metaphysics, Peter Unger, Spring 2007
History of Ancient Philosophy, Matt Evans/Philip Mitsis, Fall 2006
Philosophy of Science, Jill North, Spring 2006
Language Competencies:
German (proficient), French (proficient), Italian (competent).Graduate Classes Attended
Metaphysics of Fundamentality with Karen Bennett, Fall 2010Philosophy of Mathematics with Crispin Wright, Spring 2010
Topics in Epistemology with Jim Pryor, Spring 2010
Constructing the World with David Chalmers, Fall 2009
Epistemology of Perception with Farid Masrour, Spring 2009
Topics in Epistemology with Crispin Wright, Spring 2009
The Self with David Velleman, Spring 2009
Global Justice with Thomas Nagel and Janos Kis, Spring 2008
Reasons with Nishi Shah, Spring 2008
Consciousness with Ned Block, Spring 2008
Fundamental Norms with Paul Boghossian and David Velleman, Spring 2008
Applied Ethics with Peter Unger, Spring 2007
Vagueness with Achille Varzi, Spring 2007
Associated Writing with Sharon Street, Spring 2007
Truth and Paradoxes with Hartry Field, Fall 2006
Confirmation Theory with Michael Strevens, Fall 2006
Response Dependent Concepts with Kit Fine, Fall 2006
Moral Realism with Sharon Street, Fall 2006
Philosophy of Science (Time and Chance) with Jill North, Spring 2006
Metaphysics of Time with Kit Fine, Spring 2006
Associated Writing with Kit Fine, Spring 2006
Causation with Liz Harman, Spring 2006
Rule Following with Paul Boghossian and Paul Horwich, Spring 2006
Concepts/Percepts with Ned Block and Michael Strevens, Fall 2005
Ancient Philosophy of Mind with Matt Evans, Fall 2005
Philosophy of Science/Induction with Roger White, Spring 2005
Concepts with Jerry Fodor, Spring 2005
Realization with Sydney Shoemaker, Spring 2005
Truthmakers with David Armstrong, Spring 2005
Truth with Paul Horwich, Spring 2005
Higher Order Explanation with Michael Strevens, Fall 2004
Metaphysics with Peter Unger, Fall 2004
Semantic Relationism with Kit Fine, Fall 2004
Formal Ontology with Achille Varzi, Spring 2002
Metaphysics with Peter Unger, Spring 2002
Vagueness with Haim Gaifman, Fall 2001
Time and Chance with David Albert, Fall 2001
Epistemology with John Collins, Fall 2001
Logic: Incompleteness with Haim Gaifman, Spring 2001
Logic: Completeness with Achille Varzi, Fall 2000
Philosophy of Language with Akeel Bilgrammi, Fall 1999
Paul Boghossian, Committee Chair pb3 at nyu dot eduNed Block ned dot block at nyu dot edu
David Chalmers Chalmers at anu dot edu dot au
Daniel Stoljar Daniel dot stoljar at anu dot edu dot au
Sharon Street Sharon dot street at nyu dot edu
Leo Zaibert Lzaibert at union dot edu